Summary (from Wikipedia): Maurice receives word that his brother Malcolm has died, leaving him the last of the Minnifields. He persuades Chris to become his heir and tries to mold him in his own image.
Ed informs Holling that Jessie, the bear that nearly killed him, has returned. Holling, Ed and Shelly try to track it down, but get sidetracked.
Fleischman has to teach a childbearing class in another community. He charters Maggie's plane to take him there; in the time they spend together in the air and in class, they begin to bond.
LOL at Chris's traffic report.
I wish I could get a whole box of whatever items I want from some distant place.
There's that "We only have one line!" joke again. lol.
I really really feel for Maurice here. I'm not even getting into loss of a loved one, so that's all I'm saying about that.
Joel certainly turns into a more cheerful person once bagels are introduced to his Alaskan equation.
Man, I really don't remember much about this episode either. These past two episodes I don't know what I was doing. Watching Maurice mourn his brother really gets to me, I guess. I'm very sympathetic that way.
Hmm... that "I WANT MY EPIDURAL" line/joke is familiar. Is it from sorta semi watching this episode before? Or is it from something? Hmmm.....
Oh, wait, this is the episode where Maurice tries to make Chris his heir, that's right. That I remember.
Lol, why is the sudden cut to Maurice showing Chris his "empire" with the overused hawk sound so funny?
Boy, nothing to say about this episode except little one-off sentences.
Holling's dream about all the animals he'd killed pointing guns at him? I wonder why they didn't try portraying that dream in this show of frequent dream sequences... Maybe because it would have been WAY too awesome to film such a thing :P
Wow, such a long period without whatever Joel and Maggie are doing. Guess there's not much to thinking you're doing a class on hygiene, but doing a birthing class instead. I wonder what connection there is between air pilot and birthing coach, but Maggie seems to know what she's doing.
"IT'S TIME!" "No, it's Newsweek." I laughed out loud at that.
Awesome silent scene between Ed and Jesse.
Bonding moment between Joel and Maggie. Cute.
This may be the first episode to honestly make me tear-up. I know this sounds a little odd, but I almost want to hug Maurice.
Yay, snow.
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