Thursday, August 18, 2011

MooseCast, Episode 3 "Soapy Sanderson"

Josh and Grady attempt to keep Rosie calm and there's some focus on odd music decisions.

Audio isn't too great on here, and I apologize, but it was late and the one chance we had to get it recorded.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

MooseCast, Episode 2 "Brains, Know-How and Native Intelligence"

Josh, Grady and Rosie tackle the spirited second episode, wonder how much more Clem there might be to look out for and talk about wolfcannons.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MooseCast, Episode 1 "Pilot"

Welcome to the very first episode of MooseCast, the Northern Exposure podcast!
Josh, Ian, Rosie and Grady attempt to find their place and settle into the feeling of doing a podcast and try to figure out whether anyone owns that truck or is it the Cicily community truck.